Starter 3 becomes Performance 1 and the ripple effect. | News | The Improv Conspiracy Theatre
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Starter 3 becomes Performance 1 and the ripple effect.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025Posted in Workshops

We have changed some of the finer details regarding progression through our improv courses.

Here's what has changed. Followed by some context.

  • Starter 3: The Game of the Scene has been renamed Performance 1: The Game of the Scene

    • By extension the old Performance 1: World Building is now Performance 2

    • Performance 2: The Harold is now Performance 3: The Harold

  • Eligibility for Hobby Track now activates at the conclusion of Starter 2.

  • At the completion of Starter 2, students who Pass will be eligible for Hobby Track.

    • They may also receive, with their passing grade, a recommendation to jump straight to Performance Track.


In 2024 we redesigned our core improv course to comprise of three tracks.

Starter Track: Where everybody begins.

Performance Track: Where the folks who are really keen to get on stage end up.

Hobby Track: Where folks who just want the good vibes and skills improv gives you but in a lower stacks un-evaluated environment go to play.

Originally, Starter Track included 3 levels (Intro to Long Form Improv Comedy, Character & Relationship, Game of The Scene) and at completion of Starter 3, students were presented with the option of either Performance Track or Hobby track.

What we learned was that having the eligibility for Hobby Track begin after Starter 3 proved inappropriate for the majority of folks who would benefit from or just prefer Hobby Track. The learning curve in Starter 3 was steep (more in-line with the higher expectations of the Performance Track classes) and we needed to be better at offering accurate progression recommendations and evaluations for students. We also didn't want people who just wanted to play in hobby track to have to do Starter 3 to get there.

We believe Hobby Track to be a standard and helpful part of the learning process, so therefore, we are baking it in as the standard.

So now, in 2025. Students who Pass Starter 2 will be presented with either a normal pass, which will be sending them to Improv Playground in the Hobby Track, or a Recommendation to progress straight to Performance Track.

Broni Lisle

About the author

Broni Lisle

Broni Lisle is the Education Director as well as a performer, instructor and coach with The Improv Conspiracy. He's also the host of The Improv Conspiracy Podcast

You can check out his animated improv series Spontoon on IG, TikTok and YouTube, or grab his music from

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